When I think of metabolism, I imagine a furnace in my tummy, burning up my daily calories for energy. Well, that's part true, but really your metabolism is your biochemistry. It consists of all your hormones, and it is the hormones that are responsible for taking care of the calories you ingest.
As I quoted her earlier in my blog, the exciting news is that you're not just stuck with a "bad metabolism", your biochemistry is what is bad. And we are making it that way. But if its biochemistry, it can be changed. How can you change your biochemistry? Well, there are a few things that must be changed. 1. The types of food we eat in general (real, natural, God-made-it kind of food) and 2. The hormones, pesticides and antibiotics in all of our food is royally screwing us up and have got to go. Here's a quote from Jillian, can't you just hear her voice now:
"Take a power nutrient food, tomatoes. God created tomatoes and they have all the cancer-fighting health benefits mentioned above—the best form of medicine with no harmful side effects. Now let's take our little tomato and see what happens to it in the name of capitalism. The tomato is grown conventionally, and sprayed with up to seven kinds of pesticides. Then it is picked too early because it must make the long journey across the country—or across the world—from its original location to your supermarket. Yes, you are now polluting the environment with all the gas used to transport the tomato. But there's more. The tomato is still green because it was picked too early, so now it is sprayed with argon gas (also used to euthanize dogs) to make it turn red prematurely. WOW! We have just taken God's natural medicine and turned it into poison—for us and our environment." Jillian Michales, p.151 Master Your Metabolism
The book should not have been called "Master Your Metabolism". It should have been called "This is all the scary information I've compiled for the past 10 years, but don't worry, there's a very doable and affordable solution", by Jillian Michaels. Everyone read it. Buy one for your mom, your dad, have them read it. Regardless of whether you struggle with your weight or not, this book discusses lots of cancer prevention, along with how to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure naturally, deal with menopause and PMS, and much much more. And it's not just for girls. Everyone read it. It is a scary book, but she doesn't send you off in a storm of doom and gloom. She opens your eyes, then gives you very doable ways to change your life for good. And I'm telling you right now, I'm not going back.
and p.s. not trying to advertise for them, but it's half price at amazon.com :)
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