Not just your Diet Coke...your artificial sweetener in general.
As a former Diet Cokaholic (I quit cold turkey 2 weeks ago), I understand the love of things bubbly, I know the addiction to the caffeine, and I know enjoying the feeling of getting away with drinking soda calorie free. No calories, no guilt right?
Well, even though its calorie free, it turns out artificial sweeteners may actually destroy your metabolism more than high fructose corn syrup. Say wha? Well, think of the many of the Diet Cokaholics that you know, are they real slim and trim? Usually the answer is no. So why is artificial sweetener so bad?
1. Artificial sweetener causes you to actually crave more calories. Especially sweet things. Your body thinks it needs to consume more calories to satisfy the sweet tooth. Zero calorie sweetener is bad news folks.
2. You trick your body into thinking it doesn't have to work hard to burn off sweet things. (Your body recognizes "sweet", then when it doesn't come along with calories, it thinks "We don't have to work hard to burn this off". So when you actually eat a doughnut, or that birthday cake at the office, it thinks "oh, sweet! we don't have to work hard to burn this off either". Scary, right?
3. Can you pronounce what you're drinking, Diet Cokaholics? Drink things that you don't have to read a chemistry book to understand.
In my two weeks of kicking the artificial sweeteners, I have not craved something sweet after every meal. I honestly have not caught myself wishing I could indulge in something sweet. And that is amazing! After every meal, I want chocolate. Bad. Or I want ice cream, usually at night. But in these past two weeks, I have not really even wanted it. I have had sugar, REAL organic sugar in small doses (not high fructose corn syrup) (which was hard for me mentally to consume...ahh! eating REAL sugar!) but in eating that real sugar, I have tasted and had my fill and moved on. The yourning for something sweet has not lingered. This is a BREAKTHROUGH.
And, *BONUS*, in kicking the diet coke, I am kicking my caffeine habit (it can be done people), and I am drinking SO much more water. And guess what, my complexion looks so much better (I haven't had a pimple in 2 weeks!), and water just makes you feel GOOD! Not to mention it flushes your body of fat and other toxins.
Can't get over the bubbles? I know, I love carbinaton too. Try my favorite drink: Perrier. Squeeze a lime in it. It's delicioius, it's bubbly, and it's 100% WATER.
Oh, and to the reader who is thinking "oh, but I don't drink diet soda or use artificial sweetner". Your day will come. Soon I will be writing about the wiles of the evil high fructose corn syrup, almost equally as dangerous.
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