Friday, September 4, 2009


Wow. No post since July 15th. That is crazy. Well, not really. Let me tell you what happened. I'll keep it short and sweet.

I tried to do it on my own. I had high ambitions, but not as many results. Even my newest measurements at the gym were disappointing. It seemed like I was making no progress at all. So I did what you should never do, and that is that I gave up. I hit rock bottom. Discouraged. Disappointed. Lethargic. I had mentally worn myself out with all the working out and all the constant counting calories that I was stressed to the max. I was even having crazy stress dreams. (Like my fish jumped out of his bowl and I couldn't catch him to put him back in. The next night I almost drowned) so I said ENOUGH! Enough is enough.

All this being "healthy" wasn't healthy at all.

I stopped working out. Just for a couple of weeks, just until I didn't feel like a bad person for not working out. I had been working out more so that I wouldn't be mad at myself, instead of for all the good reasons you should work out. So I quit working out. And I stopped counting calories.

During this time of rest, I took a step back and evaluated my situation. 1. I was frustrated that no matter what I ate it seemed, good or bad, nothing significant happened. 2. I used to love exercise, and now I hated it, and was only doing it so I wouldn't hate myself.

All that being said, I have turned a new page. I joined Jenny Craig (despite all the kids making fun of Jenny Craig when I was a kid). I'm loving it. That was the right choice. And I am reintroducing myself to exercise, making sure I'm doing it for the right reasons.

I will update more often now that I am back in control.

p.s. I lost 7.8lbs my first week at Jenny! (*I understand it is unhealthy to lose that much weight EVERY week. That was just the first week, lots of water weight) The diet is very healthy, I feel great, and best of all: it's working.

And even though this is a brand new blog, figuratively speaking, I'm still keeping the dog thing.
Here is 7.8lb "Marty"


  1. Angela. I just checked this out and THANK YOU for saving the dog as a surprise. I literally just laughed out loud completely by myself! Oh! Thanks that made my night.
    AND - I'm back to being a better gym buddy, promise!

  2. Blogger ate my comment. I hope it tasted good hehe. I'm so proud of you baby. It's easy to give up, but you refuse :) I'll be here to support your forever :D I love you!

    P.S. I love that dog too hahaha.
